Affiliate | Transfez | Trusted Indonesia Remittance Company

Be a Transfez Partner

Offer our global financial solutions to new users and earn extra income

Why partner with Transfez?

Extra Income

Earn commission on each new users you refer to Transfez.

Improve Lives

Make new users' lives easier by providing a worldwide money transfer solution for both local and international transactions.
Improve Lives

Track Your Code Easily

You can easily create your own code, track people that use the code, and check your commission in real-time. We provide you with the materials and resources you’ll need.
Track Your Code Easily

How does it work?

Apply to our program in a few easy steps. We’ll review your application and let you know if we can be a great partner. (takes between 3-5 working days).

Help people to know Transfez with your link or content. So they can experience the most easy and convenient way to send money abroad.

Get your money reward in no time for every new user you lead to us.

how to use


Transfez Affiliate Program allows you to earn commission for referrals using your unique affiliate link in articles, emails, blog posts, social media or e-commerce sites. Joining the program gives you a simple way to add value to your site and audience while creating new revenue opportunities.

The affiliate program is different from the Transfez Invite program (Referral Code), which is only for referring friends and family from your personal network.

Anyone who has social media, blog or access to socialize Transfez

There is no sign up fee, it’s free

Expired when the contract ends.

We will provide you with a tracking software dashboard for you to track transaction use your code and commission.

Every time a user of your affiliate code makes a transaction and the transaction is successful, you will earn a commission for each transaction.

You will receive the reward continuously on every successful transactions, during the contract period as Transfez affiliate partner is still valid.

There is no limit on commission. You are encouraged to bring in as many users as you can.

You can receive in IDR Bank account or foreign bank account. For foreign bank account there will be additional fee charged to you.

Yes. It will be in IDR 200,000 equivalent.

You can promote Transfez in anywhere, in your website, blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or other social media, sending marketing email, etc.

You are not allowed to promote our service on any hate, adult, or other related sites that host content in violation of law.

Have more questions? Contact Diandra at [email protected] she is always happy to help!

Become Our Affiliate Partner

*Must be filled
**Fill in at least one of the four fields
For business solution visit

Have further questions? You're more than welcome to contact us here

We’d love to hear from you!

[email protected]


Prudential Centre Lt 22
Kota Kasablanka
Jl Casablanca Raya Kav 88
Jakarta Selatan

Licensed & under the
supervision of:
Bank Indonesia, PPATK & ISO

logo-Bank Indonesia, PPATK & ISOlogo-Bank Indonesia, PPATK & ISOlogo-Bank Indonesia, PPATK & ISO

Member of the
association of:


Transfez is a financial technology product from PT Indo Koala Remittance, a licensed remittance company in Indonesia. We are under the supervision of Bank Indonesia and PPATK under the Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regulation: 19/10/PBI/2017 and regulated by Bank of Indonesia as a remittance company with license number: 13/77/DASP/30.