PT. BANK CIMB NIAGA, TBK. code format at this page has already based on Bank Identification Code (BIC) which also as the unique identification code for every bank. PT. BANK CIMB NIAGA, TBK. code format can be used to make a money transfer between banks.
Please make sure the SWIFT code below has in accordance with your destination bank.
Indonesia |
PT. BANK CIMB NIAGA, TBK. SWIFT code is a standard form of Business Identifier Codes (BIC) as an every banks unique code for message exchange needs and also sending money between banks, domestically or internationally.
SWIFT/BIC codes usually consist of 8-11 characters to identify country, city, bank name, & bank branches.
First 4 characters - bank identification.
2 characters indicating the bank's country.
2 characters indicating the bank’s location.
3 digits indicating the bank’s branch.
Use our calculator to check the transaction fee and the estimation of when your money will be received at destination.
Bank CodeBB
Country CodeCC
Location Code123
Branch CodeIf you’re sending or receiving money internationally between banks, particularly international wire transfers or SEPA payments, you may be asked for a SWIFT code. SWIFT codes help banks to process transfers from abroad.
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country and other important information.
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Transfez is a financial technology product from PT Indo Koala Remittance, a licensed remittance company in Indonesia. We are under the supervision of Bank Indonesia and PPATK under the Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) regulation: 19/10/PBI/2017 and regulated by Bank of Indonesia as a remittance company with license number: 13/77/DASP/30.